
Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 Mac Chrome Not Responding

The Remote Desktop Protocol or RDP is a key feature in Windows 10 Pro. With that enabled, you can connect to computers on the network, either to troubleshoot issues or to work from that computer/server.

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Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 Mac Chrome Not Responding To Computer

But it can stop functioning abruptly at times and leave users like us in a fix. So, if you are facing connection issues with Windows Remote Desktop, here are a few solutions that might work in your favor.

Sep 04, 2018  Instructions for using Microsoft Remote Desktop for iPad and connecting to a Cloud Time instance to use SQL Server Management Studio. How to Use Microsoft Remote Desktop On Mac. If you like to use your Mac computer as your main machine, but still need Windows for occasional tasks, then it might be useful to setup remote desktop so that you can connect from your Mac to your PC remotely. Luckily, Microsoft provides all the parts for remote desktop to work properly between a Mac. Sometimes, Chrome Remote Desktop no longer works under Windows 10. There are several reasons for this. We will discuss some of the solutions you may be looking for and help you solve the problem if Chrome Remote Desktop does not work on Windows 10. Here are some troubleshooting tips.

As usual, we’ll be moving from the easy solution to the slightly complicated ones. Let’s get started.

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1. Is Your Remote Desktop Enabled

I know, you must have already checked that when you got the error. However, for those of you who haven’t yet checked, here’s how you can check.

Type remote settings in the Start Menu. That will display an Allow remote access to your computer card on your PC. Click on it to open the System Properties.

Here, check the ‘Allow Remote Assistant ..’ checkbox under Remote Assistance. At the same time, you’d want to tick off the checkbox under ‘Allow remote connections .’ to allow connections to your system.

Once done, hit the OK button to save your settings.

2. Check Firewall Settings

Next, check if Remote Desktop is enabled in the Windows Defender Firewall. To do so, type firewall in the Start menu.

Now, select the Windows Defender Firewall option and tap on the ‘Allow an app or feature’ option on the right panel.

That will show you all the apps and features currently on your system. All you have to do is tap on the Change Settings button to activate the panel below.

Microsoft Remote Desktop Mac Os

Scroll down and see if the check for Remote Desktop is enabled. If not, check the box beside it.

3. Check the Windows Registry

The Windows Registry is a good place to check if all the keys and values related to Remote desktop have their values set accordingly.

However, proceed with caution with the Windows Registry contains since it contains all the configurations used by your Windows PC. So you may want to take a backup of the registry values before you make any changes.

To open the Registry, type regedit on the Start menu and the Registry tool will show up almost immediately. Tap on it and click OK on the confirmation pop-up.

Next, navigate to the path below:

Now, right-click inside Terminal Server Client and select New > DWORD. Add UseURCP and enter the Value as 0.

Restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

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4. Is It a DNS Issue?

Microsoft Remote Desktop Client For Mac

Is your remote desktop connection switching on and off and redefining the term intermittent? If yes, it’s time to take a peek at the DNS server to which the computer or the host is configured.

By default, a simple nslookup command in the Command Prompt will give you the DNS server and IP address that your system is currently using.

In our case, we’ll tweak it to see to rule out the case of two different DNS records. To do so, open Command Prompt and enter the following command:

Of course, you can use any website. If you’re getting the same results, you can safely say that everything is in order. But if not, you may want to ask your internet provider to solve this issue.

5. Check the RDP Services’ Status

Also, have you taken a peek at the status of all the services related to the Remote Desktop client?

Start by typing services.msc on the Start menu which will open the Windows Services.

Scroll down the list until you see the services related to Remote Desktop. Here, you just have to make sure that none of the services have the Status or Startup Type as Disabled.

To make any changes, right-click on any of the services, and all the options will be there for you to see.

6. IPv4 or IPv6?

Last but not least, check the default protocol of your network adapter. Usually, Windows PC prefers IPv6 over the older version. However, at times, this may cause the RDP client to stop working. Thankfully, the fix is pretty easy.

All you have to do is head over to the Network and Internet settings. Once inside, navigate to Ethernet, and you’ll see the option for Change Adapter options on the right panel.

Select it and right-click on an adapter of your choice. Now, select Properties. Here, you’ll see a long checklist. All you need to do is look for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) option and once you locate it, uncheck and save the settings.

Restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

Did You Know: IPv6 has been undergoing development since the mid-1990s.
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Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 Mac Chrome Not Responding Working

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All Set for Remote Connectivity?

Hopefully, the above solutions should work well for you. But if not, you can try your hand at some third-party tools like Chrome Remote Desktop or Team Viewer. The free version of Team viewer lets you connect to other systems, share files and audio clips, among other features.

Get Team Viewer

The only catch is that the system on the other end should also have the Team Viewer software installed.

Next up: Do you know everything about Windows 10? Get the most out of your system via the Windows 10 tips and tricks below.

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Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 Mac Chrome Not Responding Windows 10

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Windows Hello is a biometric authentication feature in Windows 10.

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