
Microsoft Office Mac 2011 Reinstall

Make sure you have at least 64GB of free space on your hard drive for the Windows installation. Mac mini Server (Late 2012). Microsoft windows mac stuck. Mac Pro (Late 2013)If you own an iMac with 3TB or more, for more information on installing Windows 10 on your machine through Boot Camp.Do you have a Mac that can run Windows 10? During the installation process, you can set the Windows partition to whatever size you want, as long as the drive has enough storage.

I bought a new (2017) iMac and Microsoft Office 2016. I restored my old (2009) iMac to factory setting which I lost the Microsoft Office 2011. I still have the Product Key for 2011. How do I reinstall. Office 365 subscribers can no longer download or install Office 2013 on PC or Office 2011 for Mac from the account portal. To ensure the security of your Office suite and to get all of the latest features, upgrade to the latest version of Office for free as part of your Office 365 subscription. To uninstall Office for Mac 2011 move the applications to the Trash. Once you've removed everything, empty the Trash and restart your Mac to complete the process. If you rename or modify any of the files in the Microsoft Office 2011 folder, you cannot install product updates. To correct this issue, drag the Microsoft Office 2011 folder to the Trash, and then reinstall Office 2011 from your original installation disk. Jun 17, 2013 I purchased Microsoft Office:mac 2011 home and student a few years ago. When my MacBook Pro has had to shutdown for updates I have had to reinstall using the product key and have had no trouble. Month read more. Below is some additional feedback from my researching all the steps necessary to remove Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac from your computer. I am not a techie, just a lay user who is very paranoid about clean installations. I had to reinstall Office because I wanted to change my “registered to” information without messing with editing.plist.

  1. Microsoft Office Mac Free Download
  2. Microsoft Office Mac 2011 Reinstall
  3. Download Mac Office 2011
  4. Microsoft Office Mac 2011 Reinstall Free
  5. Microsoft Office Mac


Office 365 ProPlus is being renamed to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. For more information about this change, read this blog post.


When you try to start any Office for Mac applications (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Entourage, or Microsoft Outlook for Mac) in Mac OS X 10.6.x (Snow Leopard), you receive the following error message:


This error occurs if the Office program was moved or duplicated.


Step 1: Check the program path

When the error message is displayed, view the comments under 'Problem Details and System Configuration.'. Note the 'Path' that is listed in the error message, and then close the error message box. The path must be as follows:

Macintosh HDApplicationsMicrosoft Office 2008

Microsoft Office Mac Free Download

Macintosh HDApplicationsMicrosoft Office 2011

If the path in the error message differs, you must move the application folder to its correction location. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Office 2008 folder.
  2. Click to select the folder.
  3. On the Finder menu, click Edit, and then select Copy Microsoft Office 2008 or Copy Microsoft Office 2011.
  4. On the Finder menu, click Go, and then select Applications.
  5. On the Finder menu, click Edit, and then select Paste the Item.
  6. Start the Office program to see whether the problem is resolved.

If the problem continues to occur, there might be duplicate entries.

Microsoft Office Mac 2011 Reinstall

Step 2: Delete duplicate entries

To delete duplicate entries, follow these steps:

  1. On the Finder menu, click File, and then click Find.

  2. In the search box, type the program name, and then press Enter. For example, type Excel.

  3. In the results, look for duplicate instances of the Excel icon. If there is only one icon, go to 'step 3'. If there are several Excel icons, select a duplicate icon. On the Finder menu, click File, and then select Move to Trash.

  4. Empty the Trash.

  5. Start the Office program. If the problem continues to occur, remove and then reinstall the Office program.

Step 3: Remove and then reinstall Office

Office 2011

To remove Office 2011, follow these steps:

  1. Quit all applications.
  2. In the Finder, click Go select Computer.
  3. Open your hard drive (Macintosh HD), then open the Application Folder.
  4. Click to select Microsoft Office 2011 drag and then drop it to the Trash.
  5. Reinstall Office for Mac 2011.

Microsoft Office Mac 2011 Reinstall

Office 2008

To remove Office 2008, follow these steps:

  1. Quits all applications.
  2. In the Finder, click Go, and then select Computer.
  3. Open Macintosh HD, then open the Applications folder.
  4. Open the Microsoft Office 2008 folder.
  5. Open the Additional Tools folder.
  6. Double-click the Remove Office file. The 'Remove Office' window will open.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Follow the directions that are provided.
  9. Reinstall Office 2008 on your computer.

Installing Office 2011 for Mac is pretty simple, because Microsoft Office uses the standard Apple installer. Just double-click the installer icon to start the install process. There are no surprises, and you should be able to accept all the defaults unless you’re an advanced user and want to make a customized installation.

Download Mac Office 2011

The installer takes you through six stages:

Microsoft Office Mac 2011 Reinstall Free

  1. Introduction.

    A friendly welcome screen is all you see here.

  2. License.

    This is where you get to read (and if you want, print) the license agreement between you and Microsoft. You need to agree to that license in order to continue the installation.

  3. Destination select.

    Normally, you install Office on your startup disk.

  4. Installation type.

    May 22, 2017  The interface is different, and will take some time to get used to, but if you're really interested in kicking Office to the curb, the iWork suite is the best alternative on Mac. If you're ready for change, and Office's user interface, design, and tools aren't burned into your psyche, get Apple's iWork suite. Dec 06, 2019  The 7 Best Free Microsoft Office Alternatives for Mac 1. Google Suite. If you’re going to let go of the Microsoft world. LibreOffice is widely recognized as the best open source alternative. Included with your Mac is the iWork Suite: Pages, Numbers,. 7 Best Microsoft Office Alternatives For Free (2019) 1. Google Docs, Google Slide, Google Sheets. Google is known for its omnipresence in all things technology, there are few places Google hasn’t. Office Online. Here are the best Microsoft Office alternatives for macOS. Related: The Disappointing Differences in Microsoft Office for Mac. This is one of the best open-source Microsoft Office suite alternatives available on several platforms including macOS. Apr 12, 2019  LibreOffice is widely recognized as the best open source alternative to Microsoft Office suite. This means it’s completely free and available on a host of platforms. It’s the best Office alternative for Mac. If you’re used to the Microsoft Office user interface (pre-Ribbon era), it won’t take you long to adjust to LibreOffice. Best microsoft office alternatives for mac 2019 download.

    Here you can customize the install options if you feel you must.

  5. Installation.

    This is where the installer does the job of placing the Microsoft Office 2011 folder into your Applications folder. It installs the Office applications, fonts, templates, and the framework to make Office run.

  6. Summary.

    Click the Finish button to quit the installer.

When you get to Step 6, the Microsoft AutoUpdate application opens to check whether there are updates from Microsoft available for your Office software. You should immediately install all updates that are available.

If you’re pressed for time, make sure you install these updates as soon as you can.

Microsoft Office Mac

It’s very important to leave your installation of Office exactly as the installer generated it. Don’t move or rename any of the applications, files, or folders of your Microsoft Office installation in the Applications folder, or Office or parts of it probably won’t work. However, it’s okay to make aliases that link to your Office applications.